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Time to review the company travel policy

When was the last time you reviewed the company travel policy?

Well now is the time to take a fresh look at how best to support your travellers and maximise cost containment.

Traveller needs

Today's traveller has to deal with more than every before. The speed at which your business runs means they have to act, react and be more nimble. This means they cannot be constrained by old fashioned and rigid travel policies.

Changes need to happen on the run. Clients and prospects expect instant access to you, quick answers, advice and communication with your team.

So make sure your policy allows your travellers who need it, instant access to make changes to travel plans, a more open supplier base and a pro-active service oriented 24/7 support.

Business needs

Procurement negotiate tremendous deals with suppliers and these then need supporting by the end users. Just because a certain hotel group or airline was suitable 2 years ago should have limited substance on your next years travel needs. Don't get us wrong, relationships, loyalty and longterm business partnerships are all important. Still YOUR business is evolving and your travel needs may have drastically changed.

Controlling costs is vital and its tough to do this through expense management after the money has been spent. Make sure pre-trip controls are in place where needed and communicated effectively and clearly to your travellers.

The business has tremendous responsibility to take care of their employees. Don't ignore this legal aspect of travel. Pre, during and post trip attention to the health and security of your travellers should always be front of mind. Don't let the first time the business has concern for their traveller when you hear of a terrorist attack in a city the other side of the world.

So many other concerns

Make sure you engage as many areas of the business as possible in the policy review. Strongly suggest the following are involved; HR, legal, IT, C level, bookers, key travellers at a minimum.

Changing Times has vast experience in policy reviews, new technology, supplier offerings and communication strategies to help you develop a meaningful, positive and deliverable travel policy.

Contact us today by email or check our website

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